Kafka in one day

    Kafka - In just one day

    1 date
    Modern Tech-Stacks usually decouples services and applications to achieve high cohesion in your IT environment. To achieve this, you need a way to allow communication, which is often asynchronous and requires a Messaging System with high robustness, scalability, and throughput. Apache Kafka is focused on these values and outperforms other Messaging services like RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, or Redis. With this training you learn the fundamentals and get the necessary hands-on experience in just one day to get your journey started.
    949,00 € zzgl. MwSt.


    01. Introduction
    02. Architecture & Components
    03. Messaging and Serialization
    04. Kafka Ecosystem and Best Practices
    05. Kafka Operations
    06. Your own topics


    Komplett Abgedeckt
    Teilweise Abgedeckt
    For Individuals:
    For Customized:

    You will learn:   

    • Why and when to use Kafka   

    • The most essential concepts of Kafka   

    • An overview Kafkas APIs and how to use them from a shell or python   

    • How to get started with Kafka as a Message broker and how to continue your journey  


    • A rough understanding of Linux OS   

    • First experience with a Shell like bash

    • Basics Python knowledge

    • The intention and motivation to work with Kafka and Event-based-systems   

    • Happy to share feedback with us - so that we can learn as well   

    Hardware & Infrastructure   

    You will need a functioning PC or Mac with a web browser and  MS Teams. During the training, we will provide you with a virtual machine with the required local dependencies, services, and root access. You can access the machine via a browser or SSH if you’d like, and your network's restrictions allow you to.   

    Meet the trainers

    Marvin 6
    Marvin Taschenberger
    Professional Software Architect, Ultra Tendency
    Senior Lead Big Data Developer & Berlin Territory Manager, Ultra Tendency
    Hudhaifa Ahmed
    Senior Lead Big Data Developer & Berlin Territory Manager, Ultra Tendency
    Chief Technology Officer & Principal Big Data Solutions Architect Lead, Ultra Tendency
    Matthias Baumann
    Chief Technology Officer & Principal Big Data Solutions Architect Lead, Ultra Tendency

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